What were gonna do...
The Plot
Levinia getting chased by the murderer - running - long shot - Match on Action (behind and in front)
She opens the door to go and hide in - Close up on door opening
Film her coming into the room she walks across the room to find somewhere to hide - Match on Action - long shot
The murderer slowly comes up behind her without her realising - long shot - Shot/reverse shot from her point of view
Then she slowly turns round to find him behind her - Shot/reverse shot from his point of view
And he says hello in a creepy but sarcastic tone - Shot/reverse shot from her point of view
Screen fades to black and all you hear is her scream
Then comes the credits
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Monday, 18 October 2010
Continuity Editing
Continuity Style - film runs smoothly, it can do what the eye does naturally, it selects and focuses on the quintessential drama.
Continuity editing is divided into 2 catergories
Temporal cutting - connect shots to support narrative development
Spatial cutting - creates unified space through the editing shots from different angles
Elliptical editing - shot transitions that omit part of an event causing an ellipses in plot and story duration
Overlapping editing - cuts that repeat part or all of an action, thus expanding its viewing time and plot duration
Flashbacks - relocation of time within a story or more accurately, a window through which the viewer can see what happened at a previous time
Spatial Editing
30' Degree Rule
180' Degree Rule
if its is moved over the limit then it becomes disorientated
Shot/reversed shot - one character is shown looking at the other character
Match on action - a cut splices two different views of the same action together at the same moment in the movement, making it seem to continue.
Continuity editing is divided into 2 catergories
Temporal cutting - connect shots to support narrative development
Spatial cutting - creates unified space through the editing shots from different angles
Elliptical editing - shot transitions that omit part of an event causing an ellipses in plot and story duration
Overlapping editing - cuts that repeat part or all of an action, thus expanding its viewing time and plot duration
Flashbacks - relocation of time within a story or more accurately, a window through which the viewer can see what happened at a previous time
Spatial Editing
30' Degree Rule
180' Degree Rule
if its is moved over the limit then it becomes disorientated
Shot/reversed shot - one character is shown looking at the other character
Match on action - a cut splices two different views of the same action together at the same moment in the movement, making it seem to continue.
Preliminary Research
What is editing?
Editing is a crucial part of making a movie.
When there were no editors around they just filmed something until they gor bored or the film ran out.
Editing creates emotion in a film.
An editor only sees what is going on, on the screen and not what goes on behind the scenes just like the audience.
Individual frames are very important because if frames are taken out they can destroy the look and outcome of the film.
What does an editor do?
An editor adds special effects to a production, they can also change the production if they think it will make it better, editors imporve the movie my taking out scenes that may not be needed and they can also change the speed of the action to create dramatic effects.
Editing is a crucial part of making a movie.
When there were no editors around they just filmed something until they gor bored or the film ran out.
Editing creates emotion in a film.
An editor only sees what is going on, on the screen and not what goes on behind the scenes just like the audience.
Individual frames are very important because if frames are taken out they can destroy the look and outcome of the film.
What does an editor do?
An editor adds special effects to a production, they can also change the production if they think it will make it better, editors imporve the movie my taking out scenes that may not be needed and they can also change the speed of the action to create dramatic effects.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Questionnaire Results
Most of the people that did the questionnaire were male
Most of the people that did our questionnaire were students from the sixth form so the age with the highest number is 15-19
Most people said that they prefered a thriller to be set in a derelict buildingThe majority of the responces were that they prefered there to be a female lead
The majority responces said that they thought that the storyline or plot is the most imortant feature of a movie
Most respondents said that they prefered psychological and medical thrillers
Monday, 11 October 2010
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Years ago, a group of school friends made fun of a new girl who started in their school. This continued for weeks and she suffered bullying from other people. One day, she decides she can no longer deal with it and hangs herself, her parents find her. The girls thought nothing of it and did not think they had a part in what happened as it was not fully explained how she died. Years pass and the girls are all leading their own separate lives, having not stayed in contact after school. However, one day, all 3 girls get a text message. It reads ‘I know what you did.’ They all think nothing of it until, 3 days later they get another text message telling them to go a derelict building, central to where they all live. They meet there and are confused as to why exactly they’re there;. They do not recognise each and haven’t seen one another since school. Suddenly, the doors lock behind them and it seems there’s no way of escape. The light goes out and loud voice says the words ‘you can never escape your past’. Different doors in the building then unlock and clues and traps are scattered around it, something the girls do not know. Before the time runs out they must figure out why they’re here and who exactly is behind it before it’s too late. It’s eventually revealed that the one behind it is the girls younger sister who knew all about the bullying and she will not rest until she has justice for her sister’s suicide and the girls learn a potentially fatal lesson.
The theme of our movie is that you can never escape your past and it will always catch up with you.
Narrative Theory
A narrative is the waya story is told, the word 'narrative' is not as commonly used as the word 'story'.
Narratives have porbably existed as long as human beings; they were said to have probably existed when the stone age artists were around 18,000 years ago, the drawings they had on the walls of their caves usually told stories.
Our first story experiences started with 'Once Upon a time...'
Levi Strauss - Binary oppositions
Binary oppositions basicially means that a situation is reducable to two possible answers or states e.g.Good vs Bad
Women vs Men
Young vs Old
Black vs White
Right vs Wrong
Tzvetan Todorov - Equilibrium
He simplified the idea of narrative theory whilst allowing a more complex interpretation of film texts with his theory of equilibrium and disequilibrium.
The 3 states are...
New state of equilibrium
An example of this would be...
He is a normal teenager at college
He gets bitten by a spider
He now lives as a hero calles Spiderman saving peopls live and defeating the Green Goblin
Narratives have porbably existed as long as human beings; they were said to have probably existed when the stone age artists were around 18,000 years ago, the drawings they had on the walls of their caves usually told stories.
Our first story experiences started with 'Once Upon a time...'
The opening of a narrative is massively important because it intends to grab and hold onto the attention of the audience. In Media Studies the opeinng of any fil/TV show has to orienate the audience quickly.
Whilst you are watching the opening of a narrative you need to consider the following things...- who is the hero and the villain
- is it a recognisable setting
- does it have an understandable style
- the conventional narratuve stucture which includes cause-effect motivation
Levi Strauss - Binary oppositions

Women vs Men
Young vs Old
Black vs White
Right vs Wrong
Tzvetan Todorov - Equilibrium
He simplified the idea of narrative theory whilst allowing a more complex interpretation of film texts with his theory of equilibrium and disequilibrium.
The 3 states are...
New state of equilibrium
An example of this would be...
He is a normal teenager at college
He gets bitten by a spider
He now lives as a hero calles Spiderman saving peopls live and defeating the Green Goblin
Vladimir Propp - Character Type
he said that there are a certain number of character sthat pop up inmost narratives, they are...
the Hero - leads the narrative
the Villain - conflicts with the hero
the Heroine - usually some sort of prize or reward for the hero
the Father - authority figure who offers the reward
the Helper - helps the hero, sometimes a sidekick
the Donor - gives the hero something to help him, like a clue which helps him complete the quest or task
the Mentor - teaches and guides the heroTuesday, 5 October 2010
Monday, 4 October 2010
This is the questionnaire my group have came up with to ask others so that we can research what kind of things our audience may want in a thriller opening.
What is your Gender?
What is your age range?
30 +
What kind of setting do you prefer in a Thriller movie?
Woods, secluded forests
Derelict buildings
Public places
What do you prefer in a thriller movie? A female or a male lead?
Not important
What would you say is the most important feature in a thriller?
Storyline, Plot
Props and costume
What sub-genre of a Thriller do you prefer?
Psychological Thriller
Historical Thriller
Medical Thriller
How much violence/gore do you expect in a Thriller?
Quite a bit
Not important
Which of these well known thrillers have you watched before?
The Silence of the Lambs
The Happening
None of them
What is your Gender?
What is your age range?
30 +
What kind of setting do you prefer in a Thriller movie?
Woods, secluded forests
Derelict buildings
Public places
What do you prefer in a thriller movie? A female or a male lead?
Not important
What would you say is the most important feature in a thriller?
Storyline, Plot
Props and costume
What sub-genre of a Thriller do you prefer?
Psychological Thriller
Historical Thriller
Medical Thriller
How much violence/gore do you expect in a Thriller?
Quite a bit
Not important
Which of these well known thrillers have you watched before?
The Silence of the Lambs
The Happening
None of them
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