Monday 18 October 2010

Continuity Editing

Continuity Style - film runs smoothly, it can do what the eye does naturally, it selects and focuses on the quintessential drama.
Continuity editing is divided into 2 catergories
Temporal cutting - connect shots to support narrative development
Spatial cutting - creates unified space through the editing shots from different angles
Elliptical editing - shot transitions that omit part of an event causing an ellipses in plot and story duration
Overlapping editing - cuts that repeat part or all of an action, thus expanding its viewing time and plot duration
Flashbacks - relocation of time within a story or more accurately, a window through which the viewer can see what happened at a previous time

Spatial Editing
30' Degree Rule
180' Degree Rule
if its is moved over the limit then it becomes disorientated

Shot/reversed shot - one character is shown looking at the other character
Match on action - a cut splices two different views of the same action together at the same moment in the movement, making it seem to continue.

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