Thursday, 16 September 2010

Denotation & Connotation of a movie poster

1. The Genre of this movie is Thriller
2. The Codes and conventions of a thriller are...

  • quick shots and camera angles music

  • music that builds up tension

  • the lighting also tends to be a lot of shadows

  • they also have a lot of surprises and twists to the storyline

  • it is usually from the killers point of view

  • there are flashbacks

  • the use of stairs is quite frequent
3. The key signifiers are the colour black used for the background of the image this shows mystery, the colour red used in the tie and the writing show that there is danger and the words at the top 'this fall daddy's home' seems kind of fishy, like something serious is up.
4. The denontative levels of the poster are the hands of a person,most likely a man, the stepfather, and he is pulling a tie with his hands.
5. The connatative levels of the poster are that the stepfather has come into the family and he trying to break the family, and the tie that he is pulling could represent family ties. 
6. The image is quite simple but if you can see the connatations of the poster then it basically tells you what the film is about; it tells you that the tie represents family bonds and relationships and whether something or someone can come into it and break it.

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