Thursday, 23 September 2010

Toy Story 3 Analysis

1. 'Toy Story 3' is an animation and the conventions of a animation are
  • bright colours
  • usually talking toys or fictional characters
  • there is a bad character and a good character
  • the good always defeats the bad
  • humans never know when the toys are moving
2. the key codes are the bright colours in the movie and the cheery music
3. the key signifiers are the bright colours in the movie and the music which tells you that it is an animation and not any other tyoe of movie
4. the sequence tells you that the movie is about toys and childrens fictionous characters, and you also know by knowledge that the story is going to be about good defeating the the evil guy
5. the audience that the movie is being targeted at is young children and even teenagers and adults because some like to watch cartoons no matter what age

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